Revocation Of Cancellation Of GST

Revocation Of Cancellation Of GST

A registered person, whose registration is cancelled by the proper officer on his own
motion, may apply to such officer for revocation of cancellation of the registration within
thirty (30) days from the date of service of the cancellation order. Thus, a registered
person can submit an application for revocation if proper officer cancelled the
registration (Suo-Moto) due to the following reasons:-

  • Contravened provisions of the Act or the rules made there under.
  • Composition dealer has not furnished returns for three consecutive tax periods
  • Any taxable person not furnished returns (other than composition) for a continuous
  • period of six months.
  • The voluntarily registered person has not commenced business within six months
  • from the date of registration.
  • Registration has been obtained by means of fraud, willful misstatement, or
  • suppression of facts.

In case the proper officer has cancelled the registration because of the non-filing of
returns. The reversal application in GST REG-21 can be filed only after pending returns
are filed along with interest and penalty.

Benefits Of Revocation Of Cancellation Of GST

Take input tax credit (ITC)

Save you from prosecution and penalties

Enhance trust and credibility in market

Customer Support

Participation in good governance


Select the service

Pay for the service

Sales expert will call you & guide you for documentation

Preparation of documents and send you for signing or authorization

Documents submission with the department for approval

Confirmation on successful registration or completion of work


4,499 2,499
  • Consultation by expert
  • Compilation of documents and information
  • Preparation and filing of application of revocation of cancellation
  • Resume your registration certificate


6,999 4,999
  • Consultation by expert
  • Compilation of documents and information
  • Preparation and filing of application of revocation of cancellation
  • Liasoning with department for escalating approval
  • Submission of written statements if required
  • Resume your registration certificate


9,999 7,999
  • Consultation by expert
  • Compilation of documents and information
  • Preparation and filing of application of revocation of cancellation
  • Liasoning with department for escalating approval
  • Submission of written statements if required
  • Filing of pending returns if any
  • One Class III DSC (under Individual category with 2 Year Validity)
  • Resume your registration certificate